Performance & Luxury Cars
Specialty Car Solutions is the premier destination delivering full service for performance and luxury cars in Houston, TX. We offer a full suite of services to keep your vehicle in top condition including maintenance, vehicle storage, and cosmetic detailing. We specialize in luxury and exotic cars such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Porsche, Mercedes, and BMW and we welcome all other brands. Whether you are searching for the best luxury car storage solutions or top quality repairs, you have come to the right place.
Full-Service Garage
At Specialty Car Solutions, we are passionate about taking great care of your automobile. From repairs and parts replacement to maintenance and performance enhancement, we have the right solutions for you. We also offer comprehensive preparation for your race car or track car. There is no better automotive center than Specialty Car Solution for all of your automobile needs.
Contact Us
Contact Specialty Car Solutions for more information about our classic car storage facility or to schedule service. Give us a call at 713-429-0365 today!
Our passion for cars extends to world class racing. Check out ALARA’s cup winning team!